
Short description

JMaze is a two to four-player game, playable over the internet or a local network. Controlling your player (a mechanical oversized bug) around in a maze, your objective is to eliminate your oponents and thereby winning the game.

Please, visit the JMaze project webpage at SourceForge for the latest news.

Download JMaze

Download JMaze from here. These files contain both the source files and the compiled bytecode files, ready to run.

If you choose to get the newest CVS dump, get the modules "client", "server", and "jmaze-editor-src". You will also need these images: (see what to do with them in the R README file)
Images for the client
Images for the editor

Bear in mind that this project is under continous development.


Click on the image to see a larger version.

JMazeClient (version 0.1)
JMazeClient (version 0.1)
JMazeServer (version 0.1)
JMazeServer (version 0.1)
JMazeEditor (version 0.3) JMazeEditor save dialog (version 0.3)
JMazeEditor (version 0.3) JMazeEditor save dialog (version 0.3)

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Visit the JMaze SourceForge page